The Whole Brain Technology®
we can better understand and pay attention to perceptions of other people – Ned Herrmann
The map
Ned Herrmann, Director of General Electric Management education program in the USA, used brain research as a basis to develop the HBDI® (Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument®).
Based on a large number of behavioral analyses, he created a profile grid which works as a simplified “map” of the different thinking styles used by the human being.
This map establishes the HBDI® Thinking Preference Profile.
This profile goes beyond the binary pattern left brain / right brain. It is based on a metaphorical model of the brain and includes four quadrants.
All these four quadrants represent what Ned Herrmann calls a “Whole Brain”.
The HBDI® instrument
Keep in mind that the brain, according to Mac Lean, is physiologically structured into 3 layers: the reptilian brain, center for instincts, the limbic brain, responsible of emotions, and the cortex, center for reason.
The Herrmann instrument takes into account the distinction between the two upper levels and combines them with the initial model of Sperry about left brain (logical, analytical, rational) and right brain (intuitive, holistic, imaginative).
Each of us possesses, in different proportions, the capacity to deal with situations in several ways.
Each of us naturally “avoids”, “uses” or “strongly prefers” to behave with one or the other of his 4 quadrants A, B, C and D.
Modules to discover
Do you want to discover
your HBDI® profile?
Complete the HBDI® questionnaire online and get your profile results confidentially within 48h including a booklet containing four sections:
- To understand the thinking style model,
- To interpret your profile step by step,
- To give a summary of your profile code’s typical traits and other profile codes for comparison and understanding,
- To give ideas and activities to explore your profile for potential growth.
HBDI® Fundamentals: intro to
Whole Brain course
Discover how your preferences affect the way you interact with the world in your own virtual classroom.
It’s fun. It’s easy, and, it may drastically change the way you think about yourself and your world.
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